
Monday, April 30, 2007

Fun With Scissors - part 119

Unfortunately, due to a batch of very tight deadlines I will be facing for the next couple of months, I will be putting "Fun With Scissors" on a short hiatus. I hope to have it up and running sometime in early July with a mix of popular and obscure cartoon characters ranging from Foghorn Leghorn to the Grape Ape. I think that by this point I've posted around 126 characters, and am still amazed at how I've barely scratched the surface.

In the meantime, I don't plan to leave this site stagnant. I still plan to put up the occassional post as long as it only involves my scanning something.

If there are any characters you are interested in seeing, feel free to post your requests here.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bobby "Boris" Pickett 1938-2007

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a pretty extensive collection of Halloween and monster related songs (over 30 hours worth), so I was saddened to hear the news this week that Bobby "Boris" Pickett (on the right, with iconic horror host, John Zacherley at a recent Chiller Theatre Convention, in this photo from the "2007 Scary Monsters Yearbook as taken by Arnie Degeantano) the man who brought us "The Monster Mash" died last Wednesday from leukemia.

"The Monster Mash" remains the cream of the crop of spooky-themed songs, a very large number of which imitated it.

Pickett's music, and other merchandise, can be purchased through his website. In 2005 he changed the lyrics to his iconic song into an environmental wake-up song that is highly critical of the Bush administration. The video for this song can be seen here.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Illustration Friday - "Fortune"

Designed as a large thumbnail for the "business" category of the Shaman Drum Bookshop website, I thought this recent collage of mine seemed perfect for this week's topic at Illustration Friday.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Fun With Scissors - part 118

Here's Meteor Man of "The Galaxy Trio."

Envelope Art

Here's a quick sketch I did of Karloff as "the Mummy" on an envelope mailed off to a 6-year old monster fan that I know.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Superman's Pal - part 12

I'm concluding the run of Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane posts with these two 80-Page Giant issues of "Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen," as these are the last two covers I have available which are not in storage. I also have some equally goofy issues of various other DC titles from the same era which I will post at some point in the future.

I thank you all, whether you chose to remain silent, or whether you commented here, or privately via email, for dropping by. I especially would like to thank my longtime "Scooby-Doo" collaborator, and Bob Oskner fan, Robert Pope, for his frequent comments.

I did receive an email which asked what all this Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane stuff had to do with my work, and why wasn't I using my blog to talk more about myself and my work. Valid question, though I think my enthusiasm for "Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen" and "Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane" speaks volumes about myself and my work.

At any rate, I will set about doing just that. Aside from plugging new and upcoming projects, I will set about tackling a labor intensive task regarding my prior work. I've been asked pretty regularly about, not only influences, but more specifically references made in my various comic book work. I thought it might be fun, and educational, to look through some of my work and talk about some of the references and "in-jokes" that I've dropped in along the way. I don't know with what frequency I'll be posting these nuggets of information, but look for the first one in about two weeks time.

in the meantime, more monkey business as usual.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Superman's Girl Friend - part 5

At this point, poor Lois, not only has to share her comic with Rose and the Thorn, but she no longer has all those silly covers. Check out that fashion sense though.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Superman's Pal - part 11

As much as I love Jack Kirby, these later issues of "Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen" with the newsboy legion weren't nearly as fun. Don Rickles of the cover is no substitute for a gorilla, or Jimmy Olsen: crooner.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Spot Illustrations

Between other jobs, I've been creating illustrations for the Shaman Drum Bookshop's website. These images are meant to illustrate a number of categories of books which they sell. Figuring out what single image best depicts a topic as broad as, say, "history," is a real challenge. You want something that's iconic, but without being too cliched, which is hard enough, but more difficult is choosing something that is discernable at the small 160 pixels x 200 pixels size that is required, while suggesting the category that it accompanies.

Because of their small size, I've tried to keep the images simple. there's not a lot of detail in any of them, and they aren't really meant to be viewed any bigger than the small thumbnail size indicated.

At this point, I think I've still done less than half of them, but if you're interested in seeing what's there, then go to this page, then arrow down where it says "browse by categories, on the right hand side of the screen. Click on the various categories. The images, such as the one depicted here for "Michigan and the Great Lakes" can be seen on the right side of each category page.

While you are there, why not pick up some choice reading for yourself.

Fun With Scissors - part 117

Here's the train conductor from the "Conjunction Junction" what's your function? episode of "School House Rock."

Superman's Pal - part 10

Villainy abounds. I really love the completely wacky premise on the top cover. "Planet of the Capes." I can tell you what would happen if you tried pitching a story like that nowadays.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Superman's Girl Friend - part 4

Romantic troubles and a turn to crime for Lois. In "Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane" #64, she also meets a master of disguise who demonstrates his abilities by transforming himself into Dean Martin, Cary Grant, Ernest Borgnine, and Lyndon B. Johnson --all in two panels!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Superman's Pal - part 9

Jimmy Olsen: Angry Young Man.

Got to love the hippie freak out cover.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Superman's Pal - part 8

Is there nothing Jimmy can't do? Along with his stretch as Elastic Lad, Superman's Pal has taken on several other super-identities, and unlike those sissies in the Justice League, he doesn't hide behind a secret identity. Go, Jimmy, Go!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Superman's Girl Friend - part 3

More woes for Lois.

The bottom cover is one of my favorite covers of all time. It's even better because it's in Spanish.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Fun With Scissors - part 116

Underdog foe, Riff Raff was a bit tedious to collage, but ended up being one of my favorite pieces in this series.

Superman's Pal - part 6

Jimmy had realtionship woes as well, even the marriage variety as seen here.

What I love most is that these were issues #75 and #100, apparently no big deal when comics sold hundreds of thousands of copies per issue as they did then. Now, these issue numbers would be seen as milestone issues and would have some sort of gimmick attached to them, much like sweeps week on television; double the number of pages, special artists or some earth shattering plot development or new costume. Anything to try and boost sales.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Superman's Girl Friend - part 2

Marriage was one of the most popular subjects in "Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane." Here's two covers dealing with that particular area. I've been questioning the validity of Superman's friendship with Jimmy Olsen based on their interactions on the covers of "Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen," but Batman looks like he's one upped Jimmy on removing the "r" from friend on the second cover.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Superman's Pal - part 5

Jimmy takes to the wrestling ring and is able to make Superman cry "uncle!" How does he top beating DCs strongest Superhero 14 issues later? By defeating a couple of bargain basement costumed bad guys. Way to go, Jimmy!