
Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Abyss returns in Emergents Presents #3

The second story starring the Abyss, by myself, Cliff Richards and Chris Sotomayor will appear in Emergents Presents #3. This issue will be available digitally only at InterPop Comics on November 3. Find out more about the mysterious figure known as The Abyss as he faces off against a new foe with weird powers. If you still haven't read the first story starring the Abyss, you can read it for free here.

Friday, October 01, 2021

31 Days 'Til Halloween

For the past fifteen years this would be where I'd welcome you to my annual Halloween Countdown leading into multiple daily posts through Halloween itself. If you've come here for that, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Last year was my final year of conducting such an event. It's possible I may drop some seasonal reading and viewing recommendations in here this month, but there will be no regular daily posts. As I said though, there are fifteen years of Halloween posts that you can browse just by visiting any October in the years 206-2020 in the archive links to the right. My companion blog, THE GRIM GALLERY, posts something monstrous every day, 365 days a year, just about 3800 of them so far. So, if you like monsters, you should pay that blog a visit. For more Halloween than you can handle please visit the official COUNTDOWN TO HALLOWEEN blog, where you will find links to dozens of blogs, instagram accounts, etc., featuring regular Halloween treats and tricks throughout the month. Founded by myself and Shawn Robare way back as a launching point connecting like-minded folks all looking to share their love of the season, the Countdown continues without us in more than capable hands, and I hope will continuelong into the feature. You can also find information there on how you can be one of the participating blogs. Finally, the image above is one of a number of original cut paper Halloween pieces I created that are available for purchase at my store. If you are looking for some Halloween art to deaden upyour wall, please take a look. Enjoy the season.