
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Fun With Scissors - part 101

After a fairly long hiatus, my "Fun With Scissors" feature returns. For those unfamiliar with the previous entries, Fun With Scissors features a series of collaged portraits of various classic cartoon characters, and was originally posted on a daily basis for the first 100 entries (see the archives).

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I'm too busy with a number of projects to return to daily postings, but hope to be able to manage putting one up a week, probably on Wednesday since that's where I'm starting now. There will no doubt be gaps in the schedule, but I'll try to make up for those with the occassional extra post.

The majority of these pieces are available for purchase. Since this was begun as a quick exercise, and the average time it takes to complete one of these portraits is a little over an hour, they are also very affordable. If there are any characters you are interested, please inquire.

For the first entry in round two of "Fun With Scissors," I give you Secret Squirrel.

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