
Monday, July 03, 2006

Mad Scientist

I'd like to take this time to thank Martin Arlt for the kind words about me in issue #12 of his terrific fanzine, MAD SCIENTIST. It's especially cool for me as that issue also contains an information packed article on "Turok, Son of Stone" one of the biggest influences on me (something which will be brought to further light here in weeks to come).

If you're at all interested in classic horror and science fiction movies, comics, television, and games, MAD SCIENTIST is well worth picking up. Martin puts a lot of care into his insightful, informative and entertaining articles. MAD SCIENTIST also contains a lot of terrific art and is very nicely laid out. I've enjoyed every issue. A thirteenth issue is also now available, as are a few remaining back issues at the MAD SCIENTIST website Tell Martin I sent you.

1 comment:

  1. He should talk to Curtis about selling this at the Vault. I know if I saw it laying around I'd buy a copy.
