
Monday, October 22, 2007

31 Days of Halloween - Day 22

I don't know when this trend started, I'm guessing the early 1970s, but some genius somewhere decided that it was a great idea to sell puzzles in a coffee can-like container with a plastic or metal lid. This, I still think, was a brilliant idea. Sure, the ones with the metal lids were often difficult to open, but the cans themselves were more durable than the flimsy cardboard box, and seemed to be easier to store in their compact size. Of course this trend died out before the decade was out, and the flimsy cardboard box won out.

In the meantime I amassed several Spider-Man puzzles, a trio of Planet of the Apes puzzles, dinosaurs, Batman, the Wolfman, and of course, the Frankenstein puzzle shown above. I know there were also a Phantom of the Opera, and a Dracula puzzle issued this way, and possibly a Creature from the Black Lagoon, but they never ended up in my possession. One of these days, however...


  1. I remember that. I had only storybook scenes... Sleeping beauty etc. This is way cooler.

  2. I have one with the 1976 King Kong.

  3. I had this Frankenstein one and the Creature of the Black Lagoon (it did exist). I remember wanting The Mummy but never got. THANKS for the great flashback to my youth shopping at Woolworth's with my Mom as a kid.
