
Sunday, October 28, 2007

31 Days of Halloween - Day 28

I was hoping to create some new, original Halloween collages this year, but between work, Halloween preperations, family, and these daily posts, just didn't have the time. It's even more disappointing because this week's topic at Illustration Friday is "Trick or Treat." I apologize to those of you who have seen these images before. For anyone wondering about the sunny, unseasonal setting for the third image, it's for a "Halloween in May" CD I put together for the members of the Universal Monster Army group. I figured, if people can offer up "Christmas in July," why can't my favorite holiday get the twice a year attention. Click on an image for a larger view.


  1. Great work. I've not taken time to go through all your "archived" posts but if you have not written about before, would love a general "step by step" or background stuff as to how you work creating these.

  2. Dave, I've been asked that before, and have given it some thought, but there really isn't any sort of method to give. All the images were done the old fashioned way with paper, scissors (rarely an x-acto) and glue. I generally start with a rough sketch which gives me a sense of the shapes and their relative sizes, as well as what sort of layering I'll need to consider for shading. Then the real work begins, combing through magazines looking for the right color and/or texture that serves each of the elements. Finding the right pictures takes up the most of my time, the actual cutting and gluing, depending on the piece ranges from about an hour or so to about 8 hours, usually on the lower end. There's some trial and error, but now I've developed a pretty good eye for this stuff, and don't mess up too often.
