
Monday, October 29, 2007

31 Days of Halloween - Day 29 - Contest Results

No matter how well you plan something, at least one thing is bound to do wrong. This contest was no exception. As the entries came in, I carefully jotted down all the names and addresses of the entrants onto slips of paper which were placed into a plastic jack o'lantern trick-or-treat bucket so that I could later draw a winner at random. I also carefully placed all of the photos sent into two folders on my computer desktop. One file contained the sent photos, unresized and formatted, the other folder contained the photos after I'd resizewd and reformatted them so that I could place them on my blog when the winner was announced.

About ten days ago, I selected a winner at random, and mailed off their prize. My plan was always to officially announce the winner here at the end of the month, I just wanted to be sure that the seasonal DVD reached them in time to watch it before Halloween, not after.

No problems there.

A couple of days later, I dumped one of the file folders into the trashcan on my desktop. A couple days after that I emptied my trashcan. So what do you think happened yesterday when I decided to put all of the entry photos on my blog? Correct, I discovered that I no longer had most of them, including the photo from the winners. I only have these to post because, I happened to still have the original, untouched images, either still in the old file, or in the original emails, which still hadn't been removed from my virtual mail box.

So to all of you who sent in pictures and don't see them here, I'm terribly sorry about the mishap. There was a really nice range of material submitted, and it would have made a really nice near finale to my Halloween countdown. To Jeff, whose images, I could never download properly, I'm sorry I couldn't see them and share them. Everyone who entered, no matter any problems at my end, was in fact entered into the contest. No one was overlooked. I thank you all for entering.

Congratulations to THE O'BRIEN FAMILY in upstate New York for winning a copy of "Halloween The happy Haunting of America," and for sending in that picture of the cool home made monster for your front porch, wich I wish I could share here.

The photos I have left are still great to see and share so here they are.

The top 2 images come from riddle master, and all around nice guy Stephen, including those amazing Jack O'Lantern portraits he did of his kids.

Next comes some nice Halloween trappings including an almost entirely black cat rubbing gums with some really nice seasonal decor. This comes coutesy of the drunken severed head's better 3/4.

Fellow UMA member, Rob, supplied a nice batch of photos including these two.

One of the nice things about this contest was seeing entries from people I don't know, including Sandy who sent me this one of herself zombified, as well as one featuring some modern horror icons including Chucky and a nicely made mask of the puppet from the "Saw" movies.

Thany you everyone, and again, my apologies for the mishap with the rest of the photos. If you'll all kindly lower your pitchforks and torches, I'll come down out of this windmill.

1 comment:

  1. VERY COOL projects! (Better stay up there in the windmill a little longer...Give a holler if you need provisions.)

    What did the ghost buy for his haunted house?
    1) Boo-gainvillea! (The house has tremendously spooky curb appeal!)
    2) Broken windows!
    3) A boobecue grill!
    4) Nothing. The adjustable rate mortgage spooked him so much he never moved in. He's haunting the banker's house as I write.
