
Saturday, November 01, 2008

El Dia De Los Muertos

With Halloween now over and El Dia De Los Muertos beginning, I thought it was appropraite to post this image. This is a collage I created called "The Changing of the Guard" for the upcoming show at the Gallery at East Atlanta Tattoo. If you live in the Atlanta area stop in and check it out.


  1. I like it. Poor weary Halloween skeleton ... he's been at it a month. :)

  2. This is just plain awesome! Love it!

  3. Is it acceptable for me to say I find this absolutely adorable?

    How about if I say I'm missing your silly Halloween riddles? ;)

  4. Dane -- It's funny how my physical attitude exactly resembled that poor skeleton yesterday.

    Bubbashelby/Azathoth -- Thank you. If I get around to making prints I'll remember to email you ;)

    Trix -- Completely acceptable. Thank you. I ran riddles everyday last year too, so you could always visit my October 2007 archives for 31 more!

  5. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I love this!
