
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ray Harryhausen!

Today is Ray Harryhausen's 90th Birthday.  I can't imagine what my childhood would have been like without the continuous presence of his movies. He's certainly been one of my biggest inspirations throughout my childhood and throughout my career. What I took from him most of all is the importance of making non-existent creatures seem truly alive, and the idea that work and play did not necessarily have to be two separate things.

Thank you, Ray! Happy Birthday!

Here's a link to a complete list of every creature and object Ray Harryhausen has animated in his feature films.

I've also added a post about Ray Harryhausen on my blog for kids.



  1. I immediately dug up some of my own goodies upon reading your tribute.
    What a wealth of talent in one individual!

  2. What a great talent he is - I've always loved his creations - the world would be so much more dull without him! I also loved the article your wrote on your kids blog - nice work!
