
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Appearance This Weekend

This Sunday I'll be appearing at the Southcoast Toy and Comic Show in Fairhaven, MA. If you live in southeastern Massachusetts or Rhode Island stop buy. This will be a great opportunity to get your copy of Xombi #1 signed. I'll bring along some of my other work for purchase including issues of The X-Files, Scooby-Doo, and others, possibly even issues of the scarce original run of Xombi. I will even have some of my collages on hand as well.

Information on the Southcoast Toy and Comic Show, including other guests and location,  can be found on their website.

I hope to see you there.


  1. Have a great time. Got my copy the other day - hoping to have time this weekend to get through a few comics. Yours is on the top of the pile.


  2. Thanks, Chris! You've always been so supportive. I appreciate that.
