
Monday, April 18, 2011

Upcoming Haunted Mansion Art Show

I'm excited to announce that I'll be participating in the 2nd Annual Tribute to the Haunted Mansion  Group Art Show at the Parlour Gallery in Burbank, CA, which will run from June 4 - July 3,  2011. As anyone who has paid any attention to this blog knows, I hold the Haunted Mansion at the Walt Disney theme parks near and dear to me. It's a great resevoir of inspiration for me, and I make sure to ride this great attraction as many times as possible when visiting one of the parks, never tiring of the familiar comfort and excitement I feel each time I pass through its portals.

I'm still not sure what aspect of the attraction I'll be focusing on, but am really looking forward to putting my pieces together for this show.


1 comment:

  1. I was fortunate enough to be in town at the right time last year and I just LOVED this show! I'm bummed I'll miss it this year, for sure! :o(

    Have a great time for me, o.k.? :oD
