
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Good Things For Xombi

This has been a busy month or so for me, and I'm a bit behind on posting some news here. Among them are a few things that may be of interest to Xombi fans, and for people who haven't taken the plunge and picked up a copy to read for themselves.

First up, the Xombi trade paperback was chosen by Comics Alliance as one of the best covers for February. The cover (shown above), which replicates the cover to the first issue of the series was rendered by series artist, Frazer Irving and not Brendan McCarthy as it is attributed at comics Alliance. Brendan McCarthy created an alternate cover to issue #1 which can be seen here.

Second, Xombi was chosen by YALSA, the Young Adult Library Services Association, a division of the American Library Association as one of the 2013 Great Graphic Novels for Teens Nominations. I don't know much more than that, or why it's 2013 and not 2012, but it's from the ALA, so it's cool anyway.

Similarly, for what it's worth, Xombi was chosen by as a Best Book of the Month Selection.

Finally, this I have mentioned before, but Xombi is also nominated for a 2012 Rondo Hatton Award honoring classic horror under the Best Comic Book Series. Anyone can vote in the Rondo's. If you have a love of classic horror, then you should vote, even if you're not knowledgeable of all of the categories. You should certainly vote for best comic book series though.