
Thursday, October 18, 2007

31 Days of Halloween - Day 18 - Riddle

How do canine scavengers in Africa find their way in the dark?

Answer to yesterday's riddle: Hope it doesn't see you.

Max those puns you responded with had me scared sheetless.


  1. Jackal lanterns?

    Man, I hope that's the answer! So far I've been really bad at these!

  2. Crap. I thought about this all day and finally came up with the answer, only to be beaten by steven a. Curse you, steven a.!

  3. Dang it, Steven A.! Before I clicked to the comments, I was muttering "Hyenatorch?" "Hyenaflare?" And, the truly regrettable, "By just pawing around?" I need more practice at these. Yeah, sure. That's the ticket. More practice.

  4. Don't worry, Sparkle, you've still got 13 more chances to hit your stride.
