
Sunday, October 11, 2020

31 Days of Halloween - Day 11

In this year where no one could travel, I made a decisiuon to share some of the more macabre things I've seen in the past couple of years, before COVID-19 came along. Today will feature some of the more monstrous items in the collection at the Fallery of Paleontology and Comparitive Anatomy at the Muséum nationale d'histoire naturelle in Paris, France which I visited in May of 2019. You can see more images by scrtolling down to yesterday's post, and by checking back tomorrow.
Part 3 tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Wow -cool. There is the stuff of nightmares here and tons of inspiration for a curiosity/witch cabinet. The little human fetus skeletons in the first picture are fascinating without any teeth, like little aliens.
