
Monday, December 20, 2010

XOMBI #1 Available for Pre-Order

XOMBI #1 will hit comic book stores on March 16, 2011.  A lot of people have expressed excitement over the return of this series. Please show your support and ensure that XOMBI continues by pre-ordering a copy at your local comic book store. Sales do matter. I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to be able to continue with my favorite project, but doubt it will ever be given a third chance, so please make sure it won't need one. You can find your nearest comic book retailer by using this service.

Frazer Irving will be providing the amazing artwork (as seen in the cover to issue #1 above). There will also be a variant cover with artwork provided by Brendan McCarthy which I'm excited about and can't wait to see. You can read DC's solicitation information for XOMBI #1 here.

If you're not familiar with XOMBI and are worried you won't know what's going on when you read the new series, there's no need to fret. I wrote the new series with a brand new readership in mind. You don't have to know anything going into it. However, if you'd still like to know a little something going in, you can always read my little XOMBI tutorial. I'll also be running some annotations such as biographical summaries of any possible returning characters and such here as the series progresses.


  1. Its not on Comixology yet to be added but when it is I will add it.

  2. A big THANKS to you!

  3. YOU OUH ! Xombi is back.. hopefully it will last a bit and they'll do trades of the first serie but i'll buy singles again to support !
