
Thursday, October 16, 2008

31 Days of Halloween - Day 16

A couple of Halloween's ago I mentioned a great children's book by Adam Rex called Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich which every Halloween loving fan of classic monster movies should have in their library, whether they have kids, or not.

This year, Rex has a sequel called "Frankenstein Takes the Cake." Like it's predessesor, "Frankenstein Takes the Cake" is a series of humorous vignettes featuring a number of famous monsters, as well as Edgar Allan Poe, each done in its own distinct, and gorgeous art style. The difference here is that there is something of a plot that binds most of these vignettes together, which is the wedding of the Frankenstein monster to his bride. As the movie, "Bride of Frankenstein" is to the movie "Frankenstein," "Frankenstein Takes the Cake" is a superior sequel without diminishing the previous installment.

I'd only be overjoyed if Adam Rex took a third trip to the lab to produce another monster book.

To see more of Adam Rex's work, check out his website.

I'll leave you with this appropriate haiku which he used for his about the author bit on the dustjacket...


  1. I absolutely adore "Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich", and somehow completely missed the release of the sequel.

    Guess who's going shopping...

    Thanks for giving me another something special to look forward to.

  2. My pleasure. I know you'll enjoy it.
