Friday, September 23, 2022

THE ABYSS #3 - Now Available for Free

The third issue of THE ABYSS is now available in its entirety for FREE. Here's the link. Issue #4 will be available for purchase early next month.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


The final third of The Abyss #3 is now available at Interpop Comics. You can get the first two parts here and here, so that now you can read the entire issue. Before you start reading you may want to make yourself a Hurricane, the official cocktail of this issue.
You'll need: 2 ozs dark rum 2 ozs light rum 4 ozs fresh lemon juice 4 ozs passion fruit syrup Mix with ice in a cocktail shaker. Pour into a Hurricane glass with ice. Garnish with a lemon wedge and "wind blown" cocktail umbrella. Enjoy!