My absence here just means I've been busy. I still have a bunch of stuff I'd like to post which involve a bit of time to put together, which is something I don't have a lot of right now. In the mean time, here's something that doesn't require much from me.
This is a self portrait I took for my photography class, freshman year at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. It was either taken in the fall of 1984 or Spring of 1985. The fellow in the mask is film director and screenwriter,
Steven Peros wearing a mask (which I still have) by Dave Ayres, who created masks for "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," "Something Wicked This Way Comes," "Tourist Trap," and other movies. The eye is a glass eye keychain (I no longer have) and the hands are just inexpensive monster hand gloves (which I do have). That fine 80s feather back hair was my own (which I also no longer have).
The photo is not soft focus. It's mounted to heavy board and didn't fit my scanner bed which is why it looks this way.