Wednesday, July 06, 2022

The Votes Are In

One of the interesting aspects of writing for Interpop Comics is the voting system they have which allows readers to steer the course of the stories being told, sort of like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. It makes it a bit tough to plot ahead for us writers, and often has us sterring stories in directions we hadn't anticipated, but does give the fans a participatory role in the comics they are supporting. The recent round of voting that pertains to the currnt storyline in The Abyss has concluded, and here are the results.
The Red King storyline begins in the current issue, The Abyss #2, which is available for purchase here. The first third of the issue is also available to read for free. Find out who the traitor in question is. You can also read the 8-page story that planted the first seeds for what's happening now, also for free, here.

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