Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Milestone Compendium - Volume 3 Now Available

The third huge volume collecting all of the Milestone Media comics from the 1990s is now available. Among the varied chronological contents are issues 1-14 of Kobalt,a series I created and wrote, with art by Arvell Jones, Eric Battle, Jamal Igle,and others. You can order the Milestone Compendium Book 3 through Amazon, and a percentage of that sale will come back to me, by clicking here: Milestone Compendium Book 3 .

Milestone Compendium Book 1 which contains Xombi 0-11, also written by me and drawn by Denys Cowan and J..J. Birch is also available here: 
Milestone Compendium Book 1


Anonymous said...

Hi John, long time fan and extremely excited about the newly arising possibility to actually buy your work!
Do you know if there’s plans to get the second half of the original XOMBI run into a future compendium?
Regards, Bene

John Rozum said...

Hi Bene,

The second half of the original run of Xombi should be appearing in The Milestone Compendium - Volume 4, which, if the publishing schedule remains consistent,should be available in February 2025.