
Monday, December 01, 2014

Ask Me Anything #44

After a much needed month long break, things will be returning to normal here. There will be some updates in the days ahead, but in the meantime, the first Monday of the month means it's time for "Ask Me Anything."

You can ask me any questions you'd like, whether it's about my work, opinions, influences, favorites, least favorites, holiday gift suggestions, or anything else you think I might have an answer for. Questions can be posted in the comments section below, and I'll either answer them there, or in a separate post sometime later in the month.

Please take the time to view the previous questions so that we don't wind up with a lot of repetition. I've been asked a lot of good, thought provoking questions in the past as well as some really banal ones, all of which I tried to answer. You can see the previous questions by visiting Ask Me Anything  #1#2 ,  #3#4#5#6 , #7 , #8#9,  #10,  #11,  #12 , #13#14,  #15 , #16#17 , #18 , #19,  #20,  #21#22,  #23#24#25#26#27#28#29#30#31#32#33#34#35#36#37#38#39#40#41#42, and #43.  Answers not found following the questions can be found in the archives section for each associated month under Ask Me Anything.

Now ask away. 

1 comment:

  1. (Forgive for not going through the archives, I haven't the time to do so now.)
    Do you now or have you had in the past a manga or anime series that you are fond of?
