
Monday, January 01, 2018

Ask Me Anything #62

After nearly a year's absence, Ask Me Anything returns.

On first Monday of the month you can usually find a post like this one allowing you to hit me up on any topic and I'll do my best to answer it.  Ask me anything you want.

Questions can be posted in the comments section below, and I'll either answer them there, or in a separate post sometime later in the month.

I've been asked a lot of good, thought provoking questions in the past as well as some really banal ones, all of which I tried to answer. You can see the previous questions by visiting Ask Me Anything  #1#2 ,  #3#4#5#6 , #7 , #8#9,  #10,  #11,  #12 , #13#14,  #15 , #16#17 , #18 , #19,  #20,  #21#22,  #23#24#25#26#27#28#29#30#31#32#33#34#35#36#37#38#39#40#41#42,  #43#44#45,  #46#47,  #48#49,  #50,  #51#52 , #53#54#55#56,  #57,  #58,  #59, and #60 and #61.

Answers not found following the questions can be found in the archives section for each associated month under Ask Me Anything.

Now ask away.